LIHI was sad to learn of George Fleming’s passing this week. Executive Director Sharon Lee said, “We honor Senator George Fleming, a remarkable hero who was decades ahead of his time. Long before the current housing and homelessness crisis, he recognized the importance that affordable housing plays in the everyday well-being of people and the communities we live in. He established the State Housing Trust Fund which became a national model for enabling people to access housing they can afford. This is why we named LIHI’s new building George Fleming Place.”
Seattle Times: Former Washington state legislator and University of Washington football star George Fleming dies at 83
Seattle Medium: Community Mourns The Loss of Former State Senator George Fleming

George and Tina Fleming at the newly opened George Fleming Place in September. George toured the building with family and friends. He said, “I am honored and wish to thank LIHI for naming their new apartment building after me. Setting up the State Housing Trust Fund was a top priority and achievement for me. I am pleased to know that George Fleming Place will continue to serve the 37th District and the community in perpetuity. Affordable housing is closest to my heart. There is no nobler work and there is no clearer sign that a society is working than when our neighbors have a place to call home.”

Fleming Family

Frank Chopp, Sharon Lee, George and Tina Fleming

Daughters Sonja Fleming Schuett and Yemi Fleming Jackson speaking at George Fleming Place

Norm Rice making a tribute to George during building tour

George Fleming looking at an apartment
The characters in house of hazards also made me love this game more.