Latest Updates to the Construction Documents:
All manual links are up to date, though revisions and addendums are forthcoming - stay tuned!
Tiny House Construction Designs and Documents
Tiny houses that work for program participants
Designs that help you meet the needs of your students and/or volunteers
LIHI 8' x 12' Stick-framed Tiny House
A hub for technical resources related to a tiny home build, so that you can make a difference in your community. We at LIHI strive to assist you by providing various resources, including design suggestions, building materials list, safe work practices, site requirements and a tool list. And, most of all, we want your build process to be enjoyable!
Below are resources intended to support you in building a tiny house. Every jobsite and volunteer group might have different levels of experience, jobsite constraints, and available resources - feel free to select from these documents as needed when looking to build a tiny house.

This is a detailed (70 page!) manual best used by groups that have not built a tiny house before, or would like more detailed support. Consider this an encyclopedia of how to build a tiny house! [stick-frame roof, no birdsmouth in the rafters, insulation baffles, ridge vent, front/back windows, vinyl flooring, seam-tape trim]
This is a distilled folder of resources from the construction manual - simplified into blueprint drawings and photographs of past builds. These are great items to print and even alter to meet your program's needs
This is a detailed manual that is similar to the "TH Manual" but that is simplified in layout and presents an alternative construction process. This is a volunteer-built manual from the friends of the St. Marks Church in Tacoma WA )
*** Please note***
In the instance that LIHI is providing your building materials, we will use the Materials List located in the LIHI Tiny Home Construction Manual. If you have alternative designs that require different materials, please provide us with a revised material list. We encourage and welcome creativity, as long as the design meets the house program participants needs and as long as it can be transported safely.
Additional Construction Resources
In addition to tiny house plans, we have also made available some supporting documents for your use to support your build. Those of you building with existing resources - please continue to use what works for you! Those of you starting from scratch - you might find these resources helpful for teaching your students, maintaining a safe jobsite, and keeping your build moving forward. You will find all referenced documents and electronic resources located in the “Resources” folder of the Tiny Home Construction Manual DropBox link.
#1: Why do we need these transitional tiny homes? Learn more about LIHI's tiny house shelter program here, and read more about housing justice on the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance's website. Explore the LIHI & Housing Affordability & Crisis websites—links listed on the "Website Resources & Links" document.
#2: How can you and your team build this structure safely? Refer to the “Safety” handout, and view the Labor & Industries and WA Department of Health websites. Please be sure to have an initial safety discussion and have each participant sign the Safety form at the meeting conclusion.
#3: What materials do you need? Refer to the “Tiny Home Materials List” and the “How To Do Inventory” documents.
#4: Which tools and equipment will you need? Refer to the “Tools & Equipment Needed” handout.
#5: Where should you build this structure? Refer to the “Tiny Home Site & Transport Requirements” handout.
If you would like to build a tiny house, request information, request materials, or have any questions, please email tinyhouses@lihi.org.