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City of Tukwila votes to support tiny house villages

Marta Kidane of LIHI (left at podium and on screen) testifies before the Tukwila City Council on August 5 to expand tiny house villages.

Kudos to the Tukwila City Council for last night voting 6-1 to allow tiny house villages with up to 45 tiny houses to be established in Tukwila. There was a packed audience of supporters and speakers at city council chambers on whether tiny houses should be limited to 30 in a village or allowed up to 45. Speaker after speaker, most of whom were asylum seekers, spoke about their experience living outdoors on the grounds of the Riverton Park United Methodist Church (UMC) and how tiny houses, with heat and privacy are so much better than tents. UMC Pastor Jan Bolerjack, Miracle Temple Pastor Henry Jenkins, former City Councilmember Joe Duffie, One America, Drivers Union’s Peter Kuel and Patrice Tisdale, Recovery Navigation Program’s Aaron Coito-Poile, LIHI Shelter Operations Manager Joseph Musisi, LIHI Executive Director Sharon Lee, and others were there to testify and show support for raising the number of tiny houses allowed in a village from 30 to 45.  

Council President Mohamed Abdi recently toured the 43 tiny homes at LIHI’s Henderson Village in Rainier Beach to gain perspective on a village with 45 tiny homes. Councilmember Jovita McConnell proposed the amendment that carried. Only Councilmember Dennis Martinez voted no. Please thank the Tukwila City Council for supporting tiny house villages by emailing them at:

Marta Kidane, LIHI’s Community Engagement Manager, testified before the council and also turned in a petition from Tukwila community members and UMC neighbors showing their support for the expansion of the Riverton Park Tiny House Village. This village has 22 houses and an expansion up to 45, especially with winter coming, will greatly alleviate the suffering of people in Tukwila who are now living in tents. 

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Colby Adkins
Colby Adkins
Aug 29

eggy car has drawn significant attention to the island's scenic coastline, historically significant villages, and plethora of attractions.


Aug 26

Ці маленькі спільноти забезпечать доступне житло та створять комфортні умови для мешканців. Якщо ви розглядаєте можливість купити будинок і хочете знайти ідеальний варіант, зверніть увагу на Buy House. Вони спеціалізуються на купівлі та продажу нерухомості в Закарпатті, Івано-Франківській та Львівській областях і можуть допомогти вам знайти оптимальне рішення для вашого житлового простору. Зробіть свій вибір і насолоджуйтеся новим етапом у житті!


Dingoal Warlocket
Dingoal Warlocket
Aug 23

Considerable attention has been garnered geometry dash about the island's scenic coastline, historically significant villages, and plethora of attractions.


French Randall
French Randall
Aug 07

This is fantastic news! Tiny house villages are a humane and practical solution for addressing homelessness, especially during the harsh winter months. Kudos to the Tukwila City Council for making this compassionate decision. snake game

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